Veneers in Valley Village

No one should have to hide their smile. Chips, gaps, discoloration, or anything you've been feeling self conscious about will be a thing of the past with veneers. Enhance your smile and get the confidence you deserve.

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Veneers In Valley Village

What Are Veneers, And Why Would I Need Them?

Veneers are an all-in-one solution that can transform your smile and boost your self-confidence. They are made from durable, tooth-like porcelain. Each veneer is designed to look just like a real tooth, and slips over the front surface of your tooth to cover it up. By covering up the fronts of your teeth, veneers can treat a wide variety of cosmetic flaws, ranging from stains to minor chips, crooked teeth, and so much more.

If you’re not happy with your smile in Valley Village, veneers from Dr. Jonathan Pivo may be right for you. With a new set of veneers, you can stop hiding your teeth, and you’ll finally be able to smile without feeling self-conscious. Contact your dentist in valley village to schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation, and see if veneers are right for you!

Did you know…

tooth icon

Veneers are completely invulnerable to stains, but this also means they do not react to teeth whitening products. Dr. Pivo will match your veneers to your teeth for seamless, beautiful results.

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What Veneers Can Fix

Severe tooth stains

Veneers completely cover up the front surfaces of your teeth. This makes them a great choice if you have severe tooth stains that can’t be removed with teeth whitening alone.

Misshapen or chipped teeth

If you have minor chips in your teeth or they're misshapen, veneers can cover up your teeth and provide you with a picture-perfect smile.

Misaligned or gapped teeth

Veneers can also be used to correct minor alignment issues or to enlarge teeth and fill up gaps in your smile. However, they are not a replacement for orthodontic treatment. If you have extensive orthodontic issues with your smile, Dr. Pivo may recommend that you get Invisalign in Valley Village before you undergo cosmetic treatment.

The Veneers Treatment Process

Trimming and fitting

To begin the veneer placement process, Dr. Pivo will clean and numb your mouth. Then, using a dental drill, he will gently remove some enamel from each tooth that’s receiving a veneer. Next, he will use a digital scanner to take impressions and create a 3D image of your teeth.

Building your veneers

After taking digital impressions of your teeth, Dr. Pivo will attach a set of temporary veneers to your teeth and send you home. Then, he will send your impressions and other information to our partner dental lab. Here, a team of skilled technicians will hand-craft your new porcelain veneers.

Final placement

It takes about 2-3 weeks to have your veneers built and sent back to our office. At this time, you’ll come back to PivoSmiles for your final appointment. After removing your temporary veneers, Dr. Pivo will check the fit of each of your porcelain veneers. Then, he will attach them to your teeth permanently using dental cement. After a final buff and polish, Dr. Pivo will send you home to enjoy your beautiful new smile.

Before & Afters

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

Veneers typically last between 10-20 years with proper care. To prolong the lifespan of your veneers, it’s very important to maintain good oral hygiene. Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss once per day to keep your teeth clean. Eating a healthy, low-sugar diet and avoiding harmful habits like smoking and vaping will also help you keep your teeth and veneers in great shape.

You also should come to PivoSmiles every six months for a teeth cleaning and oral exam. During your routine preventive dentistry appointments Dr. Pivo will check on your natural teeth and your veneers to make sure they stay healthy, strong, and beautiful.

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